22nd October Tuesday 8pm, Lugana Restaurant authentic Italian Restaurant,
The ideal venue for the SAAB OWNERS NORTH WEST ,
Lugana Restaurant • 146 Mosley Common Road • Worsley • M28 1AN
Menu paid per person (not refundable if you fail to attend)
Please find the menu’s here https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:f094ad40-f0e4-4a73-9f9a-a45bed65c16a
For more details ASAP, Richard and Iain,
From M60 clockwise (i.e. from Stockport, Sale, Trafford Centre etc)
Leave at Junction 13 … A 572 (immediately after M62 Liverpool traffic has joined the M60)
At roundabout, take the first exit A 572 Boothstown. Note … 40mph for about a mile, then 30mph
Pass RHS Bridgwater Garden on left. Continue through Boothstown on main road. Do NOT turn left onto A572 for Leigh, bear right and continue on main road (A577) uphill to junction with the Liverpool-East Lancashire Road A580.
Cross at traffic light, pass playing fields, Miner’s pit wheel and St John’s Primary School on the right, (by the zebra crossing). In 200 yards the restaurant is on the left. It has two entrances.
From M60 anti-clockwise (i.e, Yorkshire, Rochdale, Bury etc.)
Leave at Junction 14 … A580 for St Helens. Note be in left lane immediately after M61 traffic has gone off left.
Follow to end of motorway and join Liverpool-East Lancashire Road A580. Note 40mph
Continue through three sets of traffic lights. At junction with A577 for Wigan, turn right, beware cameras on junctions!
Pass playing fields, Miner’s pit wheel and St John’s Primary School on the right, (by the zebra crossing)
In 200 yards the restaurant is on the left. It has two entrances, Garrett Hall Road and Mosley Common Road.
The restaurant has some designated parking spaces on Garret Hall Road (left, then immediately right as you approach the restaurant) on street parking is allowed, AND the carwash site can also be used for parking, immediately past the restaurant on Mosley Common Road (see picture above)
Food orders:
The restaurant has asked for orders to be made in advance. Richard will have the party menu and early bird menu placed on the group website. Orders need to be with Iain Hodcroft by Friday 19 October with last minute changes by 12.00noon on Sunday 20 October. Please see notes regarding gluten-free options, allergies, how you would like steaks preparing and whether any sauces to accompany steaks are required. Please note there is a 10% service charge for group bookings.
Looking forward to welcoming you to this authentic Italian restaurant between 7.00pm and 7.30pm on Tuesday 22 October
Contact via 07976 314012 (text inc names and orders) or iain.hodcroft@gmail.com , …similarly
Any contacts to Iain, any queries to Richard or John Newby.