Tuesday May 25th Chairmans ramble
As we are still restricted in meeting one another we need to wait a little longer.
I have been talking to some friends from GVEC and they have kindly said that we are welcome to join them on a trip to Crich Tramway Village on July 4th.
Also with regret we have had to cancel the Peaks and Dales again this year, we have booked 2022 for the 18th June.
Its been a long difficult time for many reasons and our thoughts are with those families that have lost someone.
I am optimistic about the rest of the year and I am looking forward to resuming activities and meeting up on events after June 21st.
Mike and Veronica are happy to prepare a route for an evening drive in July and August, Mike is slowly recovering from his fall and is making good progress.
The usual XMAS pie and chips has been booked for Tuesday December 7th @ Windy Harbour, more details to follow,
See you all soon , Richard & Linda