Cancelled Saturday August 1st Social Meet at SAABTEC 11-30am
It is with a heavy heart we have decided to cancel tomorrow’s meet at Saabtec. With new Covid-19 guidelines for Greater Manchester coming in to affect last night we feel this is the best thing to do and we will reschedule in due course. Stay Safe.
Bring a picnic lunch or visit a local takeaway and meet at SAABTEC for a social meeting with your SAAB, meet friends old and new. This is intended as a social meet and not a promotional event, we appreciate Saabtec letting us use the site for a get together. Bring your own mug/cup etc. tea, water and coffee available on site.
If you wish to attend please ring Richard 0780 1103426 or John 0161 929 9155 and supply your name and tel. no, as this meeting is weather dependant it will be rescheduled if the weather is poor.