Monthly Meetings North West Saab Owners Club
Now is a good time to resume activities as restrictions are lifted, we do need to always ensure what we do is safe for members and the public.
This means we still cant yet resume some activities we enjoyed in the past however there are possible drives and opportunities to meet friends old and new.
I recently joined Glossop Vehicle Enthusiasts Club (GVEC) as I was introduced by Mike Dudley who is also a Saab Club member.
They have recently started doing some drives and are happy for Saab Members to participate if they wish so some of these events will be published in the future calendar.(additional charge of £3 per car will be made to cover costs incurred by GVEC for non members)
Also Mike Doughty and Veronica are planning a evening drive in August and this will be added when details are available.
As usual if you wish to join one of these events please call;
John 0161 929 9155 or call 07801103426.